Trikafta on the PBS for 12+

~ Trikafta is on the PBS as of today!! ~

This wouldn’t have happened without the amazing scientists at Vertex. Funding from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation helped Vertex Pharmaceuticals to develop the first CFTR modulator, Kalydeco, by testing 228,000 compounds! Since then Orkambi, Symdeko and Trikafta have been developed, meaning there is a highly effective medication that treats the underlying cause for 90% of those with CF.

Here’s to the science that’s saving and extending lives!

We’re aware that some will not be eligible for Trikafta or may not be able to continue taking it; the image below shows the different areas that are being researched, with the aim to help all people with CF #NoOneLeftBehind

If you’d like to read more about the research head here: