Meesha’s Story

Meesha is fortunate to have been on Trikafta for the last 4 months, after being accepted on the compassionate program.

For the last few years she has been very unwell and missed most of grade 2. Her lung function dropped as low as 32% and she was 95% tube fed, not eating anything most days. She was being closely monitored by the transplant team, but was hoping Orkambi and Trikafta could help her avoid this for as long as possible!

She’s now a completely different person on Trikafta, her appetite is back and she’s stopped the day time feeds, playing full games of netball and has stopped 3/4 daily inhaled nebulisers. Her diabetes has improved and is on much less insulin and lung function is 56%, her highest ever!

In her words ‘I’ve been feeling incredible!! I have SO much energy and I’m doing things I haven’t done in years!

Now I can dance, do lots of cartwheels, jump on the tramp for a long time and not have a violent coughing fit, throw up or get so out of breath I can’t breathe. I can take deep breaths. I never knew I could do that or what it felt like!!!

I feel like I’m a different person. I’m not tired anymore and can play all day long.

Best news today is my lung function (fev1) is 56%!! This is the highest it’s ever been!!!!

I hope all people with CF get to feel like this!! ’


Meesha’s changes are amazing, we’re so happy to hear she got access and that Trikafta means she can be a healthy kid again.

We hope the PBAC and Vertex have found a way to get Trikafta to those waiting so we all get the same chance at health as soon as possible.